what is a computer

What is a Computer?

Introduction to Computer

Here we are going to discuss what is a computer. The term computer is derived from the Latin word “computer” which means to Calculate. Charles Babbage gave the concept of a digital Programmable Computer. It can store and process data in the form of binary operation. In simple words, it is an electronic device or machine that works on a set of instructions as input and gives useful results as output.it is the characteristic of a computer that it can store, retrieve, and process data on a large scale. The invention of computers brought a magical change in our daily life. We can observe lots of advantages of computers in our daily life. There are different types of computers in the world that we use in our daily lives. Some of them are explained below!

What is a Computer

What is a Computer & Types of Computer

The main types of computers are given below.

1-Mini Computers

Mini computers Are also called midrange computers. Such types of computers are designed for multi-users in order to produce ease for multiple users simultaneously. They are usually used for small businesses and firms. Moreover, in companies mostly individual departments use mini-computers for specific purposes. For example in universities, admission departments may use these computers to monitor the admission process specifically.

2-Micro Computers

A single-user device that has less speed as well as the lowest storage capacity as compared to other types of computer machines.CPU(Central Processing Unit) is used as a microprocessor in this type. These computers are generally designed for browsing, information, MS Office, media, etc. Laptops, desktop computers, Pas (Personal Digital Assets), smartphones, and tablets are common examples.


As their name reflects they are fast speed and most expensive computers of all types. They are designed to have huge storage capacity as well as computing power. They are most efficient as they can perform millions of instructions within a second. These devices are task-specific and usually used in engineering, weather forecasting, medicine, space research, and more specific disciplines at large scales. They are commonly used by NASA in order to launch and monitor satellites for space exploration.

4-Mainframe Computer

A multi-user device has the ability to entertain thousands of users at a time. Large firms and government organizations usually use mainframe computers to store and process a large amount of data in order to run & maintain their businesses. Banks, universities, and insurance companies are the common examples that use these computers.


A single-user machine which is almost like a personal computer has a more efficient as well as a more powerful microprocessor as compared to a microcomputer. It is mainly used in scientific applications due to its large storage capacity and faster speed. It may be considered in between Personal computers and microcomputers.

6-Desktop Computers

It is a type of computer that is designed to be placed on a desk or table in a fixed place.It is a combination of different parts such as a Monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. Usually, this type of computer people use at work, at home, and at school.

7-Laptop Computers

In recent times you are familiar with this type of computer which is a Laptop computer, and we simply call it a Laptop. They have a built-in battery-powered system and are easily portable as compared to desktop computers. It can be easily used anywhere such as while traveling etc.

8-Tablet Computers

These types of computers are commonly known as tablets, and they are easier to handle as compared to Laptops. They are more lightweight than laptops. They have a toucan screen system instead of a keyboard and mouse for typing as well as navigation. A common example of a tablet is the iPad.

9-Analog Computers

It may be an old version of a computer that uses continuous physical quantities to perform a specific task. Analog computers don’t work like digital computers. They work with continuous signals and solve problems like mathematical quantities by physical phenomena like electrical voltages, currents, and mechanical quantities such as rotation or position.

10-Digital Computers

It is the latest, commonly used form of computer at present times. They perform the tasks on the basis of binary values. These binary values are the fundamental units of digital computers, and they are represented by 0S &1S. To execute logical data on the basis of a binary system these digital computers also rely on logic gates such as AND gate, OR gate, and as well as NOT gates. Moreover, memory chips, integrated circuits, and transistors are the discrete components of digital computers that can process binary data.

11-Hybrid Computers

It is a type or form of computer that has combined features and capabilities of both analog and digital computers. In a hybrid model, both analog and digital parts work according to their capacity as the analog part deals with the real signals such as processes continuous data, whereas the digital performs complex calculations, control functions, and data storage.

12-Personal Computer

A PC which is also called a personal computer is commonly designed for individual usage, that’s why it is called a personal computer. This type of computer is also used like other types of computers. They are commonly used for multiple tasks like word processing, email, multimedia playback, web browsing, programming, and much more.

Basic Components of Computer

Computers have lots of basic components some of them are internal components and some are external components. Here we classified all the basic components into two parts.


It is a program that contains a set of instructions that communicate with hardware what to do and how to do it. They are usually found as operating systems and application pieces of software. Windows and Linux are examples of operating systems whereas MS Office, games, etc. are examples of applications. Software is a crucial part of a computer. Computers can’t perform any task without software. They are written in high-level languages which is known as coding. System software and application software are the common types of software.

Internal Components of Computer

Built-in or internally fixed parts of computers are called internal components of a computer. Such as Motherboard, RAM, ROM, etc.

  • Processor-CPU
  • Memory(RAM & ROM)
  • RAM
  • ROM
  • Motherboard
  • Storage Device
  • HDD
  • SSD


The Central Processing Unit, also known as the Processor, helps in the execution of instructions between hardware and software. Its common name is the brain of the computer.

2-Memory(RAM & ROM)

It stores data and instructions for the long term. it is further classified into two main types such as RAM and ROM.


Random Access Memory or simply Memory plays an important role in saving data and helps the operating systems for temporary storage of data. Computers’ efficiency is based on the RAM. If a computer has more RAM it may handle data & instructions more quickly and efficiently as compared to a computer that has short RAM.


It stands for Read-only memory which clearly indicates that data stored in ROM can only be read and can’t be modified by the user.


An electrical circuit board is responsible for providing a platform for electrical connections and servers to communicate with each other. RAM, CPU, and other components of the computer are mainly connected to the motherboard.

6-Storage Device

This term is usually referred to as external memory or secondary memory. There are different types of storage devices that computers use to store data permanently. Some of them are Hard Disk Drive (HDD), Solid State Drive (SSD), and optional drives such as CD/DVD.


A hard disk drive is a combination of mechanical components like a platter or disk, head, motor, etc., and covered in an air-sealed casing. Magnetic heads move over the platters to read the data written on them.


Solid State Drive SSD

Solid-state drives are the same as HDDs, but SSDs don’t contain any movable or mechanical parts. Interconnected flash-memory chips are used in SSDs to store data.


The parts of computers that we can touch physically make the structure of a computer which is commonly known as the Hardware of computers. It includes a Keyboard, Mouse, processor, memory, communication ports, etc. These different components of computers have different purposes such as they either accept inputs, storing data, and sending outputs.

External Components of Computer

Some components of a computer that can be connected with the help of ports that are connected to the motherboard are called External components. Such as Keyboards, Mouse, Speakers, webcam, etc.

  • Input Device-Input Unit
  • Output Device-Output Unit
  • Power Supply Unit
  • Power Cords
  • Keyboard
  • Computer Mouses
  • Monitor/LCD
  • Microphone
  • Network interface Card
  • Sound Card
  • Printer
  • Scanner
  • Speakers
  • Video Card
  • Webcam
  • Computer Case
  • Fan
  • CD/DVD Drive
  • Internal All-in-one reader

1-Input Device-Input Unit

It enables a user to communicate with a computer or helps to enter data. For example, with the help of a keyboard, we can write something on a computer. So here a keyboard is an input device.

2-Output Device-Output Unit

In a field of computers, the device or part of a computer that displays the result as we put any query in the form of input is called the output device. LCD or monitor is the best example of an output device.

3-Power Supply Unit

No electric device can work without a power supply, so computers also contain power supply units.

4-Power Cords

A primary cable that is used for power supply to the computers. These power cords have two ends, one is connected to UPS, and the other one is connected to a computer case.


The component that helps to write something on the computer. With the help of keys, we can put data as numbers, alphabets, letters, signs, and other information. They are of both types wired and wireless.

6-Computer Mouses

A pointing device that helps to communicate with computers. Its main function is a point-and-click feature that enables a user to reach a targeted file or folder. A common mouse mainly has three buttons Left, Right, and Roller buttons.

Generally, Mouse is classified into two types. 

Mechanical Computer Mouse

It mainly works with a ball and roller.

Optical Computer Mouse

Laser technology is being used in this type of mouse. Optical Mouse is more precise and smoother as compared to mechanical Mouse.


It is the key component of a computer, and it is commonly called a visual display unit. We see all the output results on the screen in the form of images, text, video, etc.


As we know computers bring a revolution in human lives. One of them is to communicate with friends, family, and colleagues at long distances. So for communication, the microphone is the basic component. Moreover, we can record some messages with the help of a mic or microphone. Voice conference, broadcasting, and recording are common uses of a microphone.

9-Network Interface Card

A hardware component of a computer that is used to connect over a network. We can’t connect a computer to a network without a network interface card or NIC.it is also known as LAN Adapter or network interface adapter. It’s a type of circuit board that is installed in a computer.

10-Sound Card

A type of card that is usually used as an expansion card via USB on the motherboard. It is used for high-definition sound. Relevant drivers and pieces of software are required for sound cards.


Printers are required to get hard copies of any document from computers. They are of two types: impact and non-impact with wired as well as wireless forms.


A commonly used device to scan documents on a computer.a scanned document being sent to the computer memory to manipulate it further.


An optional part of computers that can be used while watching movies or listening to music with high sound. Most computers and laptops have built-in speakers, but external speakers are also attached via an audio jack.

14-Video Card

An expansion card that is connected to the computer motherboard. Its main function is to create a picture on the display. It’s also known as a video adapter, video controller, video board, graphic card, etc.


To make videos and capture photos we use an optional device with a computer which is called a webcam. It is also used for video calling. Webcam is much different from digital cameras because they don’t work on their own. it becomes functional whenever it is connected to the computer system.

GPU is known as a Graphic Processing Unit. An electronic circuit or a chip is mostly used to display high-quality graphics or images. It is commonly used in 2D and 3D models to make animations or Videos. Graphic cards, Video cards, Display cards, and Video adapters are common names.

16-Computer Case

A container or a special box that contains all the internal parts of a computer is called a computer case. It is made up of metal as well as plastic. Some important internal parts include a motherboard, CPU, Processor, Wiring, etc.


To save computers from the heat produced by electricity, the computers come with a built-in cooling fan system. This cooling system keeps the computer as well as its components cool by producing air. As a result, the fan saves the computer from overheating and physical damage. The BIOS system is responsible for controlling the speed of the fan. Case fan CPU fan, GPU fan, and power supply fan are the common examples.

18-CD/DVD Drive

These drives are also optional components of the computer system. They are used to read images, videos, software, and other data from compact disks (CDs) and digital versatile disks (DVDs). Laser technology is being used to read/write data from CDs and DVDs.

19-Internal All-in-one reader

It is a multifunctional reader that is used as a replacement for floppy drives that were formerly used on computers. it helps the users that they may read/write data to different cards or flash memory.