Disadvantages of Internet

What are the disadvantages of Internet?


The Internet has lots of advantages, but unnecessary usage of the Internet may affect you in different ways. No doubt the Internet has provided lots of benefits in our lives but we can’t ignore its drawbacks. What are the disadvantages of Internet in our lives?

Disadvantages of Internet

Let’s dive deep to explore!

Disadvantages of Internet

  • A Waste of Time
  • not safe for children
  • loss of privacy
  • money fraud
  • virus/malware
  • online threatening or harrasment
  • Cyberbullying
  • Wrong Information
  • Health Issues
  • Stalking
  • Economic Disruption
  • Internet Addiction
  • Fake News
  • Social Isolation

1-A Waste of Time

The top disadvantages of Internet is that it wastes precious time. Most users waste their lot of time by using social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc while doing nothing useful. Moreover there are different websites available that users use to waste time. These websites contain vulgar content that’s why users become addicted and stay connected for hours. As a result he didn’t do anything productive.

2-Not Safe For Children

It is the second most critical or dangerous disadvantages of Internet for children or younger generations. There are lots of prohibited and pornographic websites available on the Internet that are destroying our younger generations. The additives of these websites can’t pay attention to their studies. They also lose their physical as well as mental health in this way.

3-Loss of Privacy

There are lots of disadvantages of internet but loss of privacy is a big issue for users. There is always an uncertainty for privacy and personal data, because there are lots of websites that are insecure to users. They might steal the very important data and passwords of the users by applying different hacking techniques. Lots of Internet users are uneducated and they can easily be trapped by hackers and as a result they lose their privacy and important personal data.

4-Money Fraud

Online money scams are most common these days. Such types of scams involved fraudulent activities like advertisements and requesting to invest for instant commission in different reward program schemes. Professional scammers also trapped the people via email, websites, chat rooms ,etc to get advance payments. By using such types of schemes they get the bank account details of the users and hack their accounts. So be careful and don’t be trapped by such professional scammers while using the Internet.


Virus is one of the major disadvantages of internet, because it harms computers and slows down the speed of the device. It is a kind of software that damages important data like email, media files, important documents, etc.so be careful while using the Internet and avoid such kinds of malware or viruses.

6-Online Threatening or Harassment

Social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, etc are widely used all over the world. So the professional hackers try to hack the accounts of the users and then they harass the people later on. It is one of  the worst disadvantages of Internet, because by losing privacy people become mentally disturbed by the hackers. The hackers demand money and threaten the people to share their private data publicly. So always use two-step verification to save your social media accounts.

7- Cyberbullying

It’s a kind of online harassment that usually occurs while playing online games and using social media apps. It is an act or behaviour to scare, anger or shaming the people who are targeted. It may include sharing lies against someone or photos or videos on different social media platforms. So don’t mess with such kinds of people and try to avoid being involved in such activities. Because cyberbullying leaves a record and that may create problems for you in the future.

8-Wrong Information

Useful information is one of the key advantages of the Internet, but ultimately wrong information is also one of the disadvantages of Internet. There are lots of websites or other mediums available that contain wrong information against a specific query. Sometimes users are stuck in a situation and confused to decide whether which information is wrong or which one is right.

9-Health Issues

Unnecessary and for long time usage of the Internet causes many health issues. The people who use the internet for a long time may suffer from such diseases, stress, lack of sleep, eye sight weakness, back pain, body posture, etc. as a result people become a problem for his parents. So we must care about our health and we try to avoid unnecessary use of the Internet.


Stalking is a kind of crime. A stalker is a person who repeatedly calls your phone,follows you, sends unwanted messages/ emails/ gifts to you, monitors your phone calls or computers , etc. you may be the victim if someone acts like this with you. It is a kind of behaviour. Different countries have different codes of conduct according to their local rules.

11-Economic Disruption

The advancement of e-commerce and business has replaced the traditional markets and businesses. This trend causes the loss of jobs and challenges for local business and markets. Small businesses are struggling to compete with large online retailers. So in short unemployment is also one of the big disadvantages of Internet.

12-Fake News

Fake news is a common trend nowadays. It is one of the biggest disadvantages of Internet. As there are no limitations on the usage of social media networks and websites the wrong news goes viral within seconds. People don’t care about what they are sharing. As there is a race of fan following and rating, that’s why the trend of fake news is always on the top. So we must care about sharing any kind of information because lots of people may suffer if we share wrong information.

13-Internet Addiction

Addiction to anything is always injurious to health. Similarly Internet addiction has lots of negative impacts in our lives. Usage of the Internet has made the users its slave. From younger to older, all kinds of people are suffering from excessive usage of the Internet. People don’t take part in physical activities. As a result, the mental health of people is at risk. We must use the Internet according to our needs. We must care about our time and use it for productive activities.

14-Social Isolation

Social Isolation is also a drawback of the Internet, because people spend more and more time on laptops or mobile screens. No doubt the Internet connects people globally with each other but the people don’t have time to engage with friends face to face. This scenario creates isolation and loneliness among the people in a society. Such things may cause lots of physical and mental health problems for individuals.

Summary of disadvantages of Internet

No doubt every existing technology has its positive and negative impacts in our lives. So the Internet also has its pros and cons.  Advancement of artificial intelligence has made things beyond the imagination. But the important point is that we must understand the importance of the Internet in our daily lives. If we use it wisely it may uplift our lives and if we misuse it , it may be disastrous.

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