Disadvantages of Computers

Disadvantages of Computers

With the passage of time science and technology bring lots of changes in the living style of human beings. There are lots of machines that are invented that bring revolution to human lives. These machines share the burden of human beings and provide lots of facilities for them. The computer is one of the most prominent inventions in the world of science and technology. Computers are playing significant roles in every field of life. No doubt computers have remarkable advantages in daily life, but there are also some disadvantages to computers. Some of them are explained below

What are The Disadvantages of Computers?

Disadvantages of Computers

1-Cyber Crime

Crimes being done by the use of the internet and computer are called cyber crimes.in such crimes, people try to breach the security of bank cards and snatch their money by using different hacking techniques. Moreover, in these crimes, professional hackers also hack the social media accounts of the people, and later on, they blackmail the people for money. This is the worst scenario and the major disadvantage of computers where the privacy of people is being compromised, but the good thing is that with the passage of time and the advancement of technology such crimes are controlled day by day.

2-Virus and Hacking Attacks

The pros and cons of any invention exist simultaneously. Similarly, where we enjoy the benefits or advantages of the computer, at the same time there are lots of disadvantages of computers. One of them is virus and hacking attacks. Here viruses are some specialized and developed computer programs to steal your sensitive information. These viruses are mostly transferred to your devices via emails, application downloads, or removal of the devices. So be careful and don’t respond to any unauthorized emails or application download requests. Moreover, hacking is the procedure where professional hackers try to reach your accounts or computers with different hacking techniques. These hackers use your personal information for illegal purposes.

3-Cause of Reduction in Employment

Computers perform many tasks automatically so lots of businesses are now on automation. As a result, many jobs are reduced and lots of people are jobless. It also created disappointment for the people who don’t have computer knowledge.

4-Health-Related Issues

As we are familiar with the famous saying “Excess of everything is bad”, similarly the use of computers for a long period of time without taking short breaks causes lots of physical as well as mental health issues.it is one of the prominent disadvantages of computers nowadays. If we sit for a long time in front of a computer it will affect our eyes and also cause back & neck pain. If we take appropriate actions while using the computer we can save from serious health issues.

5-Source of Fake News & Vulgar Content

No doubt computers provide an opportunity for users to share information via different social media platforms including email etc. but at the same time, computers have become a source of fake news as well as a source of prohibited content. Lots of websites are present on the internet that provide pornographic content and there are no restrictions on them. Also, these websites have direct access for the children which causes lots of moral and cultural values.

6-Time Wasting Machine/Source

In the modern world, computers increase our productivity but at the same time, it’s a time-wasting device also. For instance, as a student, we are studying some specific topic, and we see an advertisement, and we click on it and engage in it. So we can clearly analyze that such activity diverts our attention, and we waste our precious time.

7-Improper Usage

In a modern world where we are living in the world of inventions, we don’t know the significance of devices/machines. Similarly, if we talk about computers most people are unaware of their purpose. They don’t use it positively, but usually, they use it for playing games, watching movies, chatting with friends, etc. No doubt it is a good source of entertainment but if we use it without a proper schedule it becomes a source of waste of time. Its improper usage makes us lazy, and we don’t complete our tasks on time, or we don’t focus on our studies.

8-Negative Impact on Society & Environment

As computers are being manufactured at large scale due to their usage in every field of life. This industry produces a negative impact on society and the environment by producing lots of waste parts and materials. No doubt whenever people change their electrical devices they throw off their old devices that produce hazardous toxic materials. Such hazardous materials definitely affect the environment and society. So to overcome this disadvantage of computers we should donate or dispose of the old device properly.

9-Loss of Privacy/Privacy Concerns

No doubt computers bring a dramatic change in every field of life, especially because they facilitate fast communication all over the world. For example, we can connect with friends and family via emails or other social media platforms from around the globe. To get access to such social media platforms we give them access to our privacy. So this is the main and dangerous drawback of computers that we may lose our privacy as a result of cyber or hacking attacks on our computers.

10-Have Memory without a Brain

No doubt computers can store data by having a memory storage function. But like a human brain computers don’t have a brain because they don’t think either if we store the wrong information.

11-Computer as Like as a Slave

If we observe and think broadly that a computer being a machine is like a slave because it doesn’t execute any information itself.it is totally dependent on the instructions to execute the program and generate information.

12-Sitting Drawbacks For a Long Time

Sitting for a long time is dangerous to the human body. As research showed that standing for a long time is not good for health, similarly sitting for a long time to using a computer creates lots of health issues. A long time sitting near the computer screen causes eyesight weakness, and also it affects body mechanics. In order to avoid serious health issues we must take precautionary measures while using computers. For example, we must avoid sitting for a long time while working on computers. We must take short breaks.

13-Repetitive Motion Injury & Digital Eye Strain

People who work on computers for a long time may face repetitive motion injury and digital eye strain. Because computers required repetitive motions, for example, repetitions of hands from keyboard to mouse. Such repetitions may cause hand injuries. Moreover, sitting for hours in front of a bright screen also causes digital eye strain. To avoid such problems we must understand computer ergonomics. We must care about sitting posture and take short breaks while working on computers.


While the Advantages of Computers have great implications in our daily life but the same time they have some disadvantages. theses disadvantages of computers have created lots of problems in our life. Consequently, we are facing these issues like, Cyber Crime, Virus, and Hacking Attacks, Reduction in employment, Social Distractions, negative impact on society & environment, etc.