Characteristics of Computers

What are the Characteristics of a Computer?

Introduction to Computer

Computers have lots of Characteristics that make them reliable and globally useful for users. The key meaning of the word “Characteristics” is the qualities or advantages of computers in our daily life. Before diving into the depth of the Characteristics of computers first we define the Phrase “ What is a Computer?”

What is a Computer?

Characteristics of Computers

A Computer is an electronic device that receives raw data as input and performs different algorithmic operations and provides us useful information as output. Hardware and pieces of software are its major input and output components. like other machines computers also have lots of characteristics. The top major characteristics of computers are explained below

What are the Characteristics of Computers?

As we discussed in our introductory paragraph, computers have lots of characteristics by their size and generation. Here are the top major characteristics of computers.

1-Speed of Computer

The primary Characteristics of computers is the speed of computers. The speed of computers is a significant feature that brings revolution to our daily lives. With the help of powerful processors and efficient algorithms, They perform all the tasks and Complex calculations within seconds, which may take several hours to be completed if we do it manually. The Speed of computers enables us to complete our tasks efficiently and accurately. The speed of computers is measured in megahertz(MHz) and gigahertz(GHz).

2-Accuracy of Computer

A computer has lots of Characteristics, Accuracy is an amazing characteristic of computers. They are designed as they work very efficiently and there are no chances of errors. Because computers work on the basis of programming. Computers provide ease to users to get 100% accurate results whether they are complex mathematical calculations, data analysis, or executing precise instructions in manufacturing processes. This Characteristics of computers have played a vital role in various industries like medicine, finance, automobile, etc.

3-Diligence of Computer

Computers are machines that don’t get tired like a common human being. One of the amazing Characteristics of computers is the Diligence of computers. They work continuously and perform many error-free tasks without taking rest. That’s why computers are more powerful than humans in the context of work efficiency. Moreover, computers are also diligent to save large amounts of data and provide us with information whenever needed. Their memory is strong, and they don’t forget like a common human being. Such characteristics make them more reliable and trustworthy among the developed technologies at the present time.

4-Versatility of Computer

The term versatility means the ability of computers to perform different tasks accurately and efficiently. They can perform multiple tasks from simple to advanced-level calculations simultaneously. Due to versatility they easily shift themselves from one task to another. The Characteristics of computers, Versatility of computers bring a dramatic change in different fields of life, such as business, education, industry, administration, etc

5-Flexibility of Computer

Flexibility is one of the unique characteristics of computers. Flexibility is a key quality of computers that they can perform different tasks at the same time. These Characteristics of computers enable a user to

  • Watch Movies or Videos
  • Listen to Music
  • Use social media apps
  • Share documents
  • Perform online tasks
  • Read and write content
  • Play video games
  • Online chat and many more…

6-Remembrance Power Of Computers

Computers have the ability to save our information and data for a long period of time. This information can be traced at any time. Like human beings, it doesn’t forget our information and provides us whenever we need it. It’s one of the very interesting and remarkable characteristics of is our choice of how much data or information we want to store and when we want to use it.


 These remarkable Characteristics of computers allow users to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. Unlike the traditional way of working, handling multiple tasks is challenging, but in the same way, computers excel the performance to complete the task. With the help of modern technology, computers can run multiple applications in the background and we can accomplish the job by the multitasking feature of computers. The ability to multitask computers enhances productivity, efficiency, and flexibility, enabling people to complete their tasks in less time.

8-Reliability of Computer

No doubt computers perform tasks on the basis of a set of instructions that are provided to them in the form of computer programs. So the results of computers are always reliable and trustworthy. But this reliability depends on the programs or instructions that we fed them. The advantage of this remarkable quality of computers is that we get correct and useful results in a shorter time.

9-Consistency of Computer

Computers always provide consistent data for the same set of instructions if these instructions are repeated many’s the beauty of the consistency of computers that there is no contradiction in the results for the same set of instructions if we give them repeatedly. This quality of consistency makes them more reliable and trustworthy in all fields of life.

10-Memory of Computer

Every computer has memory. It stores data and instructions for the long term. It is further classified into two main types such as RAM and ROM. These Characteristics of computers are also called the brain of Computers.


Random Access Memory or simply Memory plays an important role to save data and helps the operating systems for the temporary storage of data. Computers’ efficiency is based on the RAM. If a computer has more RAM it may handle data & instructions more quickly and efficiently as compared to a computer that has short RAM.


It stands for Read-only memory which clearly indicates that data stored in ROM can only be read and can’t be modified by the user.

11-Storage Capacity of Computer

Computers can store huge amounts of data, and it is one of the key advantages of computers. In computers, we can store and handle data in precise order. We can store data with different formats such as audio, video, pictures, docs files, etc. It enables us to access data quickly, and we can reach specific files easily. This Characteristics of computers have empowered individuals as well as businesses to work remotely to access information.

12-Automation in Computer

Automation is the most important factor of the advantages of computers. This feature replaced the many tasks that were done manually. With the help of automation, computers can perform various tasks more precisely and accurately. It reduced the likelihood of human errors and increased productivity. It helps to perform the tasks such as data entry, inventory management, customer services, report generation, etc.

What are the Limitations of the Computer?

As we discussed earlier Characteristics of computers. Here we go in-depth about the limitations of computers. The word “limitations” basically defines the tasks that a computer can’t perform or the tasks that human beings can perform more perfectly as compared to computers. Limitations refer to the drawbacks of computers where they fail to perform tasks. Computers have lots of limitations. Some major limitations of computers are explained below.

  • No IQ
  • No Feelings/EQ
  • Lack of Decision-Making
  • Lack of Common Sense
  • Human Dependency
  • Electricity Dependency
  • Vulnerability to Malware
  • Limited Learning Capacity
  • Lack of Emotions
  • Computers are Programmed by Humans
  • No Intelligence
  • No Thinking Capability
  • Retrieval of Memory
  • Virus Threats

1-No IQ

As we know lots of Characteristics of computers, but Being a machine, computers don’t have an intelligence quotient or IQ like a common human being. That’s why they can’t learn anything, and they are unable to react to the programmed events. They don’t function by themselves, they need a set of instructions to perform specific short computers without programs or a set of instructions are dumb machines.

2-No Feelings/EQ

Computers are unable to feel or think like a common human being. They just work according to the instructions that are given in the form of programs. Due to a lack of emotions and feelings, they can’t distinguish between users. They can’t understand and respond to human feelings.

3-Lack of Decision-Making

Computers are dumb machines without programs to install them. This is the reason that they are lacking in decision-making. Computers don’t have the power of decision-making, because they always work according to the programs that are fed to them. Decision-making is such a power or characteristic that requires some specific elements, such as Knowledge, understanding of things, judgment of things, etc. Computers don’t have such characteristics, they always work according to the information of users.

4-Lack Of Common Sense

As we know, a computer is a machine or electronic device. It has no feeling and sense like a common human being. If we put any wrong data it doesn’t care and has no sense to ask about solve this problem many software engineers worked on it and introduced artificial intelligence.

5-Human Dependency

No doubt computers perform lots of tasks without the help of humans once they are turned on, but at the same time, it is a useless machine if it is switched off. It’s the main reason that they depend on human help.

6-Electricity Dependency

As an electronic machine computers always required electricity. Without electricity, they are useless machines. Power or electricity is one of the limitations of computers because without power they can’t perform any task. For the process and execution of data, CPU requires the power. Lots of errors may occur during the failure of electricity.

7-Vulnerability to Malware

This is the worst drawback of computers that creates lots of problems for us. Viruses or malware may harm our devices and cause loss of privacy. It may damage the computer system or may steal our sensitive data from computers. Even hackers can hack our computers.

8-Limited Learning Capacity

Computers are totally dependent on programming languages and pieces of software to do work, that’s why they have limited learning capacity. They are useless or dumb machines if human beings don’t put in any specific program. Artificial agency makes them smarter. They have no power to learn on their own.

9-Lack of Emotions

As machines have no emotions, similarly computers are also emotionless. They are totally unable to understand what humans are thinking and feeling. Being machines they only work when humans put instructions as a user, and they serve them accordingly. Computers don’t have the ability to compete with human beings in relation, but they are smarter in terms of speed, accuracy, etc

10-Computers are programmed by Humans

No doubt computers are machines, and they are made by humans, so they are totally dependent on human instructions. But the development of technology like Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes them think like humans and their actions. They just obey the instructions that we give them as a user, and they give us desired results accordingly.

11-No Intelligence

As we know a computer is a machine, and it works on the basis of computer programs and algorithms. It has no feeling like a human being, that’s why they can’t think and take decisions on their own. We also know that computers are smarter than human beings, but they can’t replace humans. Till today no technology invented that computers can feel or do something like that as human beings.

12-No Thinking Capability

At the present time, computers are so advanced due to artificial intelligence. It doesn’t mean that computers are capable of thinking. Actually, AI also works on the basis of algorithms and developed programs, which makes them too smart. Computers never do any task on their own, because they are not capable of thinking like a common human being. They totally work on the basis of instructions that are stored in the form of programs.

13-Retrieval Of Memory

Once information is stored in a computer it will stay for a long time, but on the other hand, human beings may forget things after a long time. Computers can recall data very quickly, but humans can’t do it. Retrieval of memory means remembering the data.

14-Virus Threats

The pros and cons of any invention exist simultaneously. Similarly, where we enjoy the benefits or advantages of the computer, at the same time there are lots of disadvantages of computers. One of them is virus and hacking attacks. Here viruses are some specialized and developed computer programs to steal your sensitive information. These viruses are mostly transferred to your devices via emails, application downloads, or removal of the devices. So be careful and don’t respond to any unauthorized emails or application download requests. Moreover, hacking is the procedure where professional hackers try to reach your accounts or computers with different hacking techniques. These hackers use your personal information for illegal purposes.


In this article, I have written in-depth about the major characteristics of computers. This article enables us to understand how the invention of computers brought a revolution in every field of life such as education, business, the auto industry, etc. along with characteristics. I also wrote about the drawbacks or limitations of computers, such as they have no feelings, No IQ, Unable to learn new things, etc.